Simple Party Season Survival Hacks

Pic credit: MAVALA UK
The holiday festive season is imminent and now more than ever is the time to lean into healthy habits to survive the flurry of activity and demands of this time. Small daily tweaks are accessible and make a difference.
Get in your extra ZZZZZ’s
What is the rule…’8 hours sleep a night’? Let’s be honest, that’s not always the easiest goal to achieve during the silly season. Our advice would be to get it when you can! The mind needs sleep, the body needs rest so the best thing you can do is to not feel guilty about sleeping in on weekends. When you get home after a night out; take off your make-up, have a shower, get in your comfiest pj’s, slip into bed and succumb to dreamland.
5 deep sleep tips that changed my life 💓
- Magnesium at night - nonnegotiable for me! It has to be the right forms and doses though.
- Silk eye mask - blocks the light!
- No social media after 9pm! I’m so strict.
- JSHealth Vitamins Deep Sleep formula.
- A warm bath with lavender oil and Epsom salt before bed.
- 10 min of legs up against the wall each night - calms down the nervous system. Google how to do it... and trust me 😌
(NOT melatonin - for me personally)
— Jessica Sepel, Nutritionist and Founder of JSHealth
Keep moisture levels high!
Hydration needs to be your best friend for survival during the party season. Water on tap all day, every day. It’s mandatory for your body, from the inside out. For an extra boost, our Mavala Face Spritz helps with lack of sleep, stress, pollution and exhaustion. Dead cells accumulate, your complexion loses its radiance and turns greyish. Those imperfections caused by exhaustion give the impression that your skin is in poor health, that it looks older than it really is.

Keep a balanced approach with food
Be selective about what you eat. It’s a season of indulgence and you should be allowed to forgive yourself for that. Given the opportunity boost your greens, simple proteins, healthy snacks, lean meats and friendly fats. As hard as it might be; refrain from greasy food. Food regret is something we don’t need during the party season.

Supercharge your diet!
Seek advice from a health professional to identify potential gaps in your diet, a worthy investment to ensure your body has all the ingredients it needs to function optimally. A simple multi-vitamin can pave the way to a restful mind, knowing that our bodies are absorbing those vitamins we don’t necessarily even know we need at this busy time.

Be kind to yourself
The best thing you can do throughout the party season is a little self-TLC. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. If you can’t tick all the above boxes every day, our Mavala Face Mask will hug your skin with love and an extra boost while you get your beauty sleep… multi-tasking at its best.